Digital nerve injury is common, often sustained through sharp lacerations. Treatment involves specialist referral and direct end to end microsurgical repair of the cut nerve ends in an operating room by a hand surgeon. There is conflicting evidence as to the efficacy and necessity of nerve repair and some evidence that patients have good outcomes even when the nerve is not repaired.
Primary aim
Ascertain the patient reported clinical efficacy (and effectiveness) of microsurgical repair for patients with digital nerve injuries using the patient-reported Impact of Hand Nerve Disorders (I-HaND) scale
assessed at 12 months.
Why should I get involved?
The UK is leading global research in hand surgery and has successfully undertaken large scale clinical trials that have changed practice. NEON provides the opportunity for UK hand surgeons to provide the high quality evidence required to demonstrate which group of patients will benefit most from digital nerve repair.
For more information please visit the website

- Systematic review
- Recruiting Centres
- Data Analysis
- Manuscript Submission
- Publication

- Sponsor: University of Oxford
- Funder: (National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), Health Technology Assessment
- IRAS Project ID: 258872
- ISRCTN Registration: 16211574
Email: NEON@ndorms.ox.ac.uk for more information