Pressure Ulcer CollaboratIve Surgery Evaluation (PRECISE)

A recent James Lind Alliance exercise identified shared priorities for research in pressure ulcers (  The effectiveness of surgical closure is one of these priorities.

Following this, the NIHR’s Health Technology Assessment programme has called for a research study into the surgical management of grade 3 and 4 pressures ulcers.

The RSTN is collaborating with colleagues around the UK (Leeds, Sheffield and Bristol) to prepare a submission to the NIHR in response to the call.


What further primary research is required to evaluate surgical interventions for stage III and IV pressure ulcers?

  1. Survey of practice
  2. Cohort study
Register your interest

A preliminary clinician survey have been completed to support the application. A submission to the NIHR has been made.

  • Pilot centre data collection
  • National data collection
  • Data analysis
  • Manuscript submission
  • Publication
Jane Nixon, Leeds (Chief Investigator)

Pradeep Thumbikat, Sheffield Spinal Cord Injuries Unit

Abhilash Jain, Imperial College London NHS Trust and University of Oxford

Jeremy Rodrigues, University of Oxford

Lisa Grandidge, Sheffield Spinal Cord Injuries Unit

Jessica Drinkwater, General Practice Bradford

Nikki Stubbs, Leeds Community Healthcare NHS Trust

Lyn Wilson, Mid Yorkshire NHS Trust

Debby Hawkins, Sheffield

Liz McGinnis, Leeds

Praveen Thokala, University of Sheffield

Thai Tong, University of Sheffield

Sarah Brown, Leeds CTRU

Deborah Stocken, Leeds CTRU

Susanne Coleman, Leeds CTRU

Rhiannon Macefield, University of Bristol

No funding.
Applying to NIHR HTA commissioned call