Travel bursaries

In 2017, travel bursaries were offered for the first time to attend the RSTN Trials Day. All those submitting abstracts to the Vipers’ Nest were eligible. These will continue at future meetings.

Vipers’ Nest Hall of Fame

Since the first RSTN Trials Day 2013, there has been a prize for the best presentation / clinical trial idea. Winners receive a certificate and book prize. A number of the projects have gone on to be supported by the RSTN.

Past winners

Richard Baker (BSSH Prize: A prospective randomised controlled trial comparing the incidence of nail deformity in adult nail bed injuries treated non-operatively versus operatively)

Shehab Jabir (BAPRAS Prize: Does the use of intravenous tranexamic acid reduce blood loss and the need for blood transfusion in debridement of major burns?)

Aenone Harper (poster: The Mallet Injury Splinting Trial)

Hawys Lloyd-Hughes (oral: The INPUT Trial – incisional negative pressure wound therapy used in trauma)

Justin Wormald (oral: Vivostat and ReCell for adult burn split-thickness skin grafting: a randomised controlled clinical trial)

Tom Pidgeon (poster: What core outcomes should be reported in clinical research and in healthcare for patients with craniosynostosis? A systematic review, focus group and international consensus study)

Anita Dijksterhuis (oral: The TRIGGER Trial, surgery versus steroid injection for trigger finger)

Ben Dean (oral: Steroid versus placebo injection for base of thumb osteoarthritis)

Mark Mikhail (poster: Surgery versus non operative treatment for rupture of the ulnar collateral ligament of the thumb)