Are you feeling collaborative?

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The RSTN year got off to a great start. A number of new projects are starting out on the road to becoming RCTs; established projects continue to flourish. The WIRE and optiFLAPP are recruiting collaborators and we have two new joint projects with breast surgeons (TEAM and iBRA2).

Well done to collaborators involved in iBRA, which has now recruited over 1500 patients, and the RSTN/BSSH Trauma Audit, which recruited over 900 patients! Both demonstrate the power of multicentre collaboration.

The RSTN Trials Day 2016 promises lots more collaboration and accessible trials methodology. Abstract submission and registration are now open.

RSTN Trials Day 2016 – abstract submission

The RSTN Trials Day is back for a fourth year on Saturday 18th June 2016 at the Royal College of Surgeons. There are four slots for new trial ideas. Previous ideas include NINJA, MALIT and WIRE, which have all been adopted. The programme is action packed with clinical trial related sessions. We also hope to welcome a group of Dutch consultants and trainees. Further details here.

Get involved with new projects . . . .

The WIRE aims to answer the question: should Kirchner wires be buried or not buried after hand fracture fixation in adults? It is recruiting one collaborator from each hand unit in the country. The role will be to ensure patients and clinicians complete the survey. Check out the website and get in touch with

iBRA2 aims to work with the Breast Reconstruction Research Collaborative network to evaluate the impact of immediate breast reconstruction (IBR) on the delivery of adjuvant therapy. The RSTN is recruiting a lead to sit on the steering group and ensure that there is national plastic surgery engagement.

TeaM aims to identify the number of units performing therapeutic mammaplasty (TM) across the UK and the volumes of procedures performed. It will establish the current practice of TM and evaluate the clinical outcomes of TM using different techniques and explore predictors of adverse outcome. The RSTN is recruiting a lead to sit on the steering group and ensure that there is national plastic surgery engagement.

Committee positions

The North West representative position will become available in July as Ranj Jeevan moves on to pastures new. Details of how to apply are on the website here. Minimum criteria is to be an NTN in the region.

Project updates

The BSSH / RSTN National Trauma audit recruited over 900 patients from 42 centres over three months. Well done to the over 100 collaborators. Certificates will be sent out in the next couple of weeks. The data will be presented at the BSSH Autumn Scientific Meeting 2016.

The NINJA-Pilot is complete and currently being analysed. A ‘NINJA’ letter was recentlypublished in JPRAS. A landmark as there were 22 pubmed cited collaborators.

Thank you to over 400 clinicians who completed the MALIT clinician survey. Data analysis is ongoing.

iBRA will be drawing to a close in June but iBRA 2 is well advanced and a TEAM is the next breast / plastic surgery collaboration (see above).

Submit a trial idea

The RSTN is always open to receive project and trial ideas. The idea remains yours. It will be sent for peer review and if suitable we will:

  • Mentor the project development
  • Introduce you to a surgical trials unit
  • Provide you with access to the REDCap database
  • Support a funding application

Why not send an idea in for the RSTN Trials Day 2016? Get in touch with your idea here.

As always, we are keen to hear from you with comments and suggestions. Get in touchhere.

Best wishes,


Should Kirchner wires be buried or not buried after hand fracture fixation in adults?

As the part of the feasibility for this trial idea we are conducting clinical and patient surveys. The Wire Team are recruiting a single collaborator from every hand trauma service in the UK.

Interested? Check out the website and get in touch with

optiFLAPP is an undergraduate delivered project investigating variability around perioperative care of women undergoing microvascular breast reconstruction. Collaborators have been recruited. The team will soon be approaching clinicians with the surveys. Get in touch with

Forthcoming events

Date Event
18/03/2016 ASiT’s 40th Anniversary Conference 2016
18/03/2016 Bristol Surgical Trials Centre Showcase 2016
07/04/2016 The IDEAL Collaboration Conference 2016
27/04/2016 BOSTiC
18/06/2016 Reconstructive Surgery Trials Day 2016 (#RSTN2016)
30/11/2016 National Research Collaborative Meeting 2016 (#NRCM2016)

Discover how to get involved in RCTs in surgery. Hear inspirational stories from leading surgeons. Learn to explain clinical equipoise.

The Bristol Surgical Trials Centre Showcase day is for surgeons, allied health professionals and methodologists of all grades and types.

Key note speakers will include Professor Gianni AngeliniProfessor Dion MortonMiss Adele Francis and more.

Friday, 18 March 2016 from 10:00 to 16:00 (GMT) – Add to Calendar
M Shed – Wapping Road Bristol BS1 4RN GB – View Map