RSTN Trials Day 2017
Welcome to the RSTN Trials Day 2017 on FRIDAY 2nd JUNE. It is a one day meeting combining plastic surgery, hand surgery and clinical trials methodology. It is a great opportunity to learn how to develop your own idea and take it through to a definitive clinical trial. The meeting includes updates on current trials and the opportunities to get involved. For instance, the Nail bed INJury Analysis (NINJA) RCT will be recruiting units.
There is also the opportunity to pitch your own idea in the Vipers’ Nest. They are a friendly bunch of trialists and surgeons who will provide feedback. Previous winners have gone on to develop successful projects (NINJA, WIRE, MALIT etc). This year we have 6 travel bursaries of up to £100 to support delegates with trial ideas accepted for the Vipers’ Nest poster or oral session.
This year we are focusing on wound healing in the sandpit session. This will be followed later in the day with a new interactive trial development session. The best idea from the sandpit session will be worked up a panel of experts with questions from the audience. We hope this will give a real life example of how to progress your ideas.
We also have a focus on international collaboration. We will hear from GlobalSurg about how they collected data on over 27,000 patients across over 100 countries!
Don’t delay and REGISTER today! Trainees that bring a consultant, will be entered into the draw for a top of the range bluetooth speaker.
Anna Allan
Matt Gardiner
Lead organisers
Why attend?
Open to all levels
Undergraduate through to consultant.
The day is relaxed! No prior clinical trials experience is expected.
Clinical trials methodology
Learn about clinical trials methodology through interactive sessions and talks. CPD points available.
Pitch your idea
Submit a trial idea to the Vipers' Nest . Get feedback and the potential for support. There are prizes and bursaries available.
It is a great opportunity to meet members of the different trials units as well as investigators with established trials.
Don't forget . . . .
The meeting is free (registration fee refunded on day). There are 6 CPD points and the food is great!
Apologies for the recent problems with the registration link. Registration will close at 11 pm on Wednesday 31st May.
There is a £10 registration fee for the event but this will be REFUNDED if you attend on the day.
FREE refreshments will be provided, including an excellent College lunch.
Each attendee will receive a certificate of attendance on receipt of their feedback form.
“Bring a boss” – encouraging consultant engagement! If a trainee attends with a consultant from their unit both will be entered into a prize draw for a high spec bluetooth speaker. Enter the consultants name on registration.
We are very grateful for the support of our sponsors.
Platinum sponsor

Gold sponsors

The Vipers’ Nest
Abstract submission has now closed. We will be in touch shortly with the results.
The Vipers’ Nest is the last session of the day. It has four 15 minute slots for oral presentations of new project ideas. There are an additional 8 poster slots. The oral and poster prize winners will receive a certificate and book prize from Oxford University Press.
The ideas might be for a package of work leading to a clinical trial or other prospective audit. Perhaps you have an idea for a systematic review, prospective audit or RCT.
The idea remains yours. The RSTN can provide advice and put you in touch with a trials unit.
Please use the PICO format for the abstract (Population, Intervention, Comparator, Outcome).
The posters can be for either new trial ideas or updates on live projects. There is a maximum of ~250 words.
The oral and poster prize winners will receive a certificate and book prize from Oxford University Press.
We are pleased to announce that 6 bursaries of up to £100 will be available to support the travel expenses of the teams submitting successful abstracts to the Vipers’ Nest oral and poster prizes. All abstracts will automatically be considered for the bursaries.

Prof Jane Nixon is the Deputy Director Institute Clinical Trials Research, University of Leeds.
Her research focus is wound healing and she is a founder member of the Wounds Research Network.
Clinical trial design experience includes parallel group, cluster, sequential and factorial designs, with current development of multi-stage multi-arm trials

Jonathan Cook is Associate Professor and Deputy Director of the Surgical Interventions Trials Unit, Oxford.
His main research interest is in the design, conduct, analysis and reporting of randomised controlled trials (particularly surgical trials).
He has been instrumental in getting NINJA to a definitive RCT.

Claire Thomson is Trials Development Officer at the Surgical Interventions Trials Unit, Oxford. Her experience includes Public and Patient Involvement (PPI) in surgical trials.

Xavier Griffin is Associate Professor of Trauma Surgery at the University of Oxford and Honorary Consultant Trauma Surgeon at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford.
Xavier is Chief Investigator for NIHR randomised clinical trials and has also received commercially funded grants. His research interest is in clinical and cost effectiveness of musculoskeletal trauma interventions.

Richard Wilkin is a general surgeon and the Chair of the West Midlands Research Collaborative. He was helped steer “GlobalSurg” to success in recruiting 27,000 patients across over 100 countries.
0930 Welcome in the Council Room
Session one: developing a trial idea related to WOUND HEALING
0940 Sandpit Session in the Council Room
Theme: Wound Healing
1. Learn how to set a research question
2. Use PICO to develop a trial idea
3. Understand what influences the trial design
Session two: bell session with project updates
Lecture Theatre 2
1130 GlobalSurg: developing international collaborations, Richard Wilkins
1200 The Bell Session: updates on current projects
1200 iBRA Shelley Potter, NIHR Clinician Scientist, Bristol
1215 iBRA2 – immediate breast reconstruction and adjuvant therapy, Shelley Potter, NIHR Clinician Scientist, Bristol
1220 TEAM – ThErApeutic Mammoplasty Audit, Liz Baker
1225 BRASS – Breast Angiosarcoma Surveillance Study, Hazim Sadideen, Microvascular Fellow, London
1230 optiFLAPP – optimising perioperative care in microvascular breast reconstruction. optiFLAPP Collaborative
1235 Nail bed INJury Analysis (NINJA).
1240 Placebo-arm trials in hand surgery, Pragash Kamalathevan, Foundation Trainee, London
1245 PreHEAT, Saahil Mehta, Specialty Trainee in Plastic Surgery, London
Session three: Running a successful trial
Lecture Theatre 2
1400 Key note: Prof Xavier Griffin, Associate Professor of Trauma Surgery, University of Oxford
1420 From Idea to RCT
The aim of the session is to take the best idea from the morning session and work it up ready for feasibility work and funding application
Chair: Prof Jane Nixon
Claire Thomson
Xavier Griffin
Jonathan Cook
Saahil Mehta
Session four: Vipers’ Nest – new trial ideas
Lecture Theatre 2
1545 Trigger: treatment of trigger fingers
Dijksterhuis A, van der Heijden B
1600 Splint or surgery for sagittal band subluxation (SSUBLUX) study
Manivannan S, Wormald J, Zarb Adami R, Nikkhah D, Shariff Z, Rodrigues J
1615 Are we over-treating stage 1A malignant melanoma and is wide local excision necessary? Marginal excision vs wide local excision; a randomised trial
Henton J, Rannan-Eliya S
1630 The effect of amlodipine and sildenafil on flap survival and wound healing in DIEP flap reconstruction
Sleiwah A, Pérusseau-Lambert A, Dustagheer S
1700 Close of meeting
Certificates will be awarded on receipt of the electronic feedback forms that will be distributed after the event.
The meeting is at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2A 3PE. Click here for transport details and directions.
There is free Wifi available. The RSTN Trials Day will be broadcast live using the Periscope App available for Apple and Android smartphones.
You can live message questions and comments via
After party at The Terrace, Somerset House
Enjoy a relaxing drink and food after the meeting on The Terrace. Situated a 5 min walk from the Royal College it is situated in this historic building with views of the Thames.
Tickets are £20 and are subsidised. Soft drinks, cocktails, wine and beer available along with tasty and filling bar snacks. Secure your ticket when you register for the meeting.